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Funeral Protcol

Funeral Service
Media Protocol

In an effort to provide a celebration of life service the whole family would be proud to witness, please help us help you by adhering to the Funeral Service Media Protocol.  These steps have been set in place so that we may provide a professional and loving service for the friends and family of your departed love one.

Log in to use.

All media is required 72 hours prior to service.


No CD's or jump drives will be accepted.


Send the final program, cover photo, slide show, and/or MP4 to our cloud drive or email.




Media should be presented in 16:9 Aspect Ratio or 1920 x 1080 px


  • Program Cover Image

  • Video

  • PowerPoint


Required funeral program details

- original digital copy should include


  a. Order of Service

  b. Songs

  c. Scriptures

  • Old Testament Reading

  • New Testament Reading


Person's name should be included in the title of the shared media.


Photo - good quality with high resolution.


Livestream of service must be requested and not assumed.

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